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Private Well Monitoring
Private well owners should regularly monitor the safety of their drinking water through water tests to ensure it is safe for human consumption. Private wells are not subject to federal regulations that apply to public drinking water systems.
Iowa residents may be able to get their well water tested at no cost through the Iowa Grants-to-Counties Water Well Program. Contact your County Environmental Health Department for details.
When and What to Test
Total coliform bacteria and E. coli
At least once during the lifetime of the well:
Anytime changes occur in taste, odor or appearance:
Total coliform bacteria and E. coli
Additional testing depending on the situation
Additional testing may be necessary for
Shallow wells, older wells, or wells that may be damaged
Wells near livestock confinement areas, septic systems, landfills, industrial or manufacturing activities or agricultural fields
Wells near hazardous material spills
Wells that were flooded
Wells that have had, or are susceptible to, back-siphonage
Water Tests: Bacteria
What is total coliform bacteria?
Total coliform bacteria are microorganisms in soil, sewage, surface water and very shallow groundwater that is under the influence of surface water.
The presence of coliform bacteria in drinking water indicates a possible sanitary defect in the drinking water system that could provide a pathway of entry for contamination into the well or distribution system (plumbing into the home). This pathway may provide an opportunity for harmful material to enter the drinking water creating a potential health hazard. As surface water percolates through the soil, a natural filtration process takes place which normally removes microorganisms (including coliform bacteria) unless a pathway exists which bypasses this natural filtration process.
What is E. coli bacteria?
Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria are a type of total coliform bacteria which are present in sewage.
The presence of E.coli bacteria in drinking water indicates a pathway exists to the water system from a waste source, such as an animal feedlot, septic tank, cesspool leakage, etc. This indicates that the water may be contaminated with microorganisms that can cause serious illness, such as Salmonella or enteric viruses or parasites.
Is it safe to drink?
If the total coliform bacteria and E.coli test results are ABSENT, or the most-probable-number is <1, the water is bacterially safe for drinking purposes.
If total coliform bacteria are PRESENT, the water is unsafe with potential health concerns.
If total coliform and E. coli bacteria are PRESENT, the water is unsafe with serious health concerns.
How do I remove harmful microorganisms that may be in my water?
Short term: Disinfect water by boiling it for one minute or use an alternative source of water that is known to be safe, such as bottled water or water from a public water supply. Do not consume water or brush teeth with water that has total coliform or E. coli bacteria unless it is properly disinfected. Wash dishes and utensils with disinfected or known safe water or run the sanitation cycle on a dishwasher.
Long term: The best approach to ensuring safe water is to determine how and where contaminants are entering the system and eliminate the entry pathway. A sanitary survey of your water system and remediation assistance may be available from your local county health department, Iowa State University extension services, and certified well drillers and pump installers.
How do I troubleshoot a coliform bacteria problem?
There are three areas to evaluate if you had a positive coliform result: sample collection, distribution system, and finally the well as outlined in the coliform action response flowchart in the SHL Well Water Quality and Home Treatment Systems Guide.
First, review the sample collection procedure. If the sample was collected correctly and represents the drinking water supply, then schedule an inspection of the complete water system (well and distribution plumbing system) and area surrounding the well for possible sanitary defects or pathways. If defects are found, they should be corrected accordingly.
Strategic sampling for coliform bacteria (in the most-probable-number (MPN) result format) collected at various locations (e.g. at the well, before or after treatment systems, etc.) may be necessary to pinpoint the source of the problem. For example, if the samples taken closest to the well and before the softener are negative and the sample after the softener is positive, this indicates that the softener may be contaminated (e.g.biofouled) and is the source of the coliform problem. In this case, contact a reputable water treatment professional for remediation guidance.
With older wells, this defect may include structural problems in the well such as pits, cracks in the casing, inadequate grouting, brick or concrete wells, or cisterns.
With new wells, the defect is more likely a problem with the distribution system such as cross-connections, broken or contaminated distributions lines or treatment systems, faulty pressure tanks, contamination from repairs or new construction without proper disinfection, etc.
A sanitary survey of your water system and remediation assistance may be available from your local county health department or certified well driller and pump installers.
Water Tests: Nitrates
What are nitrates?
Nitrates are chemical compounds composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrate contamination is more likely to occur in shallow wells and in wells which are poorly located, constructed, or maintained and are generally an indication of contamination from nitrogen fertilizers, sewage disposal systems or animal manure.
Is it safe to drink?
Nitrate levels greater than 10mg/L as N may pose a serious health hazard for infants. Do not use water with elevated nitrate in infant formula or juice. Infants who are fed formula or juice with elevated levels of nitrate could develop a life threatening illness called methemoglobinemia, or “blue baby syndrome,” which results in blue-gray coloring of the skin due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Recent research studies suggest potential health hazards for adults following long-term consumption of elevated nitrate levels.
How do I remove it from my water?
Short term: Use an alternative source of water that is known to be safe, such as bottled water or water from a public water supply
Long term: The best approach to ensuring safe water is to determine how and where contaminants are entering the system and eliminate the entry pathway. A sanitary survey of your water system and remediation assistance may be available from your local county health department, Iowa State University extension services, and certified well drillers and pump installers. It is also possible to remove this contaminant using an appropriate treatment device such as distillation, reverse osmosis, or anionic exchange (ion exchange).
Water Tests: Arsenic
What is arsenic?
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element found in rocks and soil. There are two types of arsenic: inorganic and organic. Inorganic arsenic compounds are found in soils, sediments, and groundwater. Organic arsenic compounds are found mainly in fish and shellfish. Organic arsenic, in general, is much less toxic than inorganic arsenic and some organic arsenic compounds are not toxic at all.
In Iowa, arsenic is a common water contaminant. Arsenic may enter groundwater through the rocks and soil that surround the water. The depth of the well and the well design can affect the presence of arsenic in the well water. Arsenic may also be present in some foods (including seafood, rice and rice-based foods, and some fruit juices), herbal medicines and Ayurvedic products. Arsenic is used in some pressure treated woods (use of arsenic in pressure treated woods was phased out in the US in 2003), some pesticides, and some paint pigments. Arsenic is no longer produced in the US but continues to be imported.
Is it safe to drink?
Studies have shown that chronic or repeated ingestion of water with arsenic over a person’s lifetime is associated with increased risk of cancer (of the skin, bladder, lung, kidney, nasal passages, liver or prostate) and noncancerous effects (diabetes, cardiovascular, immunological and neurological disorders).
Bathing with water that contains arsenic is not a significant health risk because arsenic is not readily absorbed through the skin. Some ingestion of arsenic may occur when brushing your teeth. Although the amount ingested is minimal, using a clean source of water for brushing your teeth is advisable.
How do I remove it from my water?
Short term: Use an alternative source of water that is known to be safe, such as bottled water or water from a public water supply. Arsenic cannot be removed from water by boiling.
Long term: Arsenic can be removed by treatments such as distillation, reverse osmosis, activated alumina and anionic resin. If you have total arsenic present in your well water, you may also want to test for arsenic speciation at the State Hygienic Laboratory. The speciation of arsenic determines how easily it can be removed, and what will be the most effective treatment option.
Other Common Tests
Listed below are other common concerns or symptoms encountered for well water quality. Some problems may be resolved with the appropriate treatment device and some problems may need water testing to help identify the source.
The list of these tests is not all-inclusive but may help provide information to guide remediation efforts. If there is testing you wish to perform, please request a price quote.
Concern or Symptom | Test(s) |
Color: | |
Blue/Green | Copper |
Red/Brown (rust) | Total Iron and Iron Bacteria see Iron and Manganese Removal in Home Water Treatment |
Yellow | Total Iron see Iron and Manganese Removal in Home Water Treatment |
Deposit/Stains/Particulates: | |
Black | Total Iron, Manganese, and Sulfide see Iron and Manganese Removal in Home Water Treatment |
Red/Orange | Total Iron and Iron Bacteria see Iron and Manganese Removal in Home Water Treatment |
White/Gray | Total Hardness see Water Softeners and Distillation Units in Home Water Treatment |
Blue/Green | Copper and Total Iron |
Hard Water: | |
Total Hardness see Water Softeners and Distillation Units in Home Water Treatment | |
Taste: | |
Metallic | Total Dissolved Solids, Total Iron, Copper, and Zinc |
Salty | Chloride |
Bitter | Copper, Zinc, and Nitrate |
Odor: | |
Musty | Heterotrophic Plate Count |
Mold and Yeast Count | |
Rotten eggs | see Rotten Egg Odor in Drinking Water in Home Water Treatment |
Gasoline/fuel | Gasoline Components |
Fuels/Oils (diesel, kerosene, motor oil, etc) | |
Ammonia | Ammonia |
Pesticides: | |
Common Herbicides (includes Atrazine, Alachlor, Cyanazine, Metolachlor, Metribuzin, Trifluralin, Butylate, Acetychlor) |
Well Testing-Water Sampling
Testing a flooded well
Because flood water is contaminated with microorganisms that can cause disease, you should not drink the water from a well that has been flooded. Obtain water from a known safe public water supply or buy bottled water. Wait until the flood waters recede, then contact your local county health department or certified well driller/pump installer for well shock-chlorination guidance. Perform this procedure (include flushing the well) before testing for bacteria (total coliform and E.coli) to determine if the water is now safe to drink. Shallow wells (less than 100 feet deep) may become contaminated from nearby flooding and should also be tested even if the well head was not submerged.
How do I collect a sample?
Directions for collecting a sample for coliform bacteria and nitrates are included in the collection kit, along with specially prepared sterile bottles. Please follow the instructions carefully; it is easy to contaminate the sample with coliform bacteria using improper sample collection techniques. Please review the Drinking Water Collection Instructions for collecting a sample and the How to collect a drinking water sample video for guidance.
What is the white powder in the coliform sample bottle?
The white powder is a chlorine-neutralizing chemical since some well water is chlorinated. Neutralizing any chlorine is necessary to obtain a valid coliform test. The chemical will not interfere with the coliform analysis even if chlorine is not present. However, this chemical can interfere with the nitrate test so a different sampling bottle is needed for this test which does NOT contain this agent.
Where should I collect my coliform and nitrate samples?
Where the sample is collected depends on the purpose for sampling. In general, the sample should be collected from the tap most frequently used for drinking water.
If you are troubleshooting a coliform bacteria problem, you may need to collect numerous samples at strategic locations in your system as outlined in the coliform action response flowchart. Sampling locations may include various areas of the distribution system. These include near the well, at the connections from the well and at points before and after water treatment devices. This approach helps determine the source of the coliform bacteria problem so that appropriate remedial action can be taken..
Can I submit ANY container for coliform and nitrate?
No. The coliform and nitrate bottles are specially prepared for this testing. You must use the container supplied by the laboratory for the purpose intended.
Can I test for other contaminants from the coliform and nitrate sample bottles?
No. The State Hygienic Laboratory can test for a variety of organic, inorganic, radiological and microbiological contaminants in drinking water. Each contaminant will require its own type of container, sample volume or preservative. The laboratory can help determine what tests are necessary based on your circumstances and needs.
Should I request numbers for the coliform test instead of just presence or absence?
Requesting that your coliform result be reported in numbers (called Most-Probable- Number or MPN) is usually not necessary if you are collecting only one sample and you just want to know if your water is safe to drink. If you are troubleshooting a coliform problem and collecting numerous samples to pinpoint the problem, numbers may be helpful in that situation. Because of the uneven distribution of bacteria in a water system, the most probable number is only a semi-quantitative estimate of the number of bacteria in the water sample. You can only compare the numbers in ballpark terms; for example, total coliform MPN results of 20 and 40 are considered similar for bacteria testing.
How soon does the lab need to receive the samples?
The sooner you can get the samples to the laboratory, the more accurate the test results will be. The required time between collection and receipt at the laboratory is 48 hours, so mail or ship samples the same day of collection to avoid delay. Avoid shipping samples on Friday, during the weekend, and prior to major holidays.
I do not live in Iowa. May I still order and send you a sample?
Yes, sampling kits for coliforms and nitrate can be sent outside of Iowa. However, the sample must be received by the laboratory within 48 hours of sample collection.
I live in the city. Do I need to test my water?
If you live within the city limits, you probably receive your water from the city public water supply that is routinely tested by the water department for many parameters, including total coliform bacteria and nitrate. It is usually not necessary for private individuals to test this water. If you have concerns about the city’s water quality, we encourage you to consult your city water department or the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Field Offices.
How do I remove contaminants?
County health department personnel and certified well drillers/installers can assist you in determining possible sources of contaminants and how they entered the system and can recommend remedial procedures.
If installation of a water treatment systems appears to be the only option, the treatment system(s) must match the specific contaminant(s) that must be removed. No system treats all water quality problems, and all systems have limitations and require maintenance. Before buying a treatment system, an accurate analysis of the water is recommended to determine what contaminants are present and at what concentration. After a home treatment device is installed, have your drinking water retested for that specific contaminant to ensure it is working properly.
A Homebuyer's Guide to Private Well Water
Bacteriological Analysis For Swimming Pools And Whirlpools-Spas
Bacteria Testing for Private Well Water in Iowa Video
CDC: Arsenic and Drinking Water from Wells
CDC: Nitrate and Drinking Water from Wells
CDC: Private Ground Water Wells
Coliform Bacteria and Nitrate in Private Wells
Drinking Water Analysis For Private Wells
Drinking Water Collection Instructions
EPA: Drinking Water from Household Wells
Iowa Department of Natural Resources Private Well Program
Pool and Spa Registration & Renewals