Parasitology at SHL

The State Hygienic Laboratory is CLIA accredited to provide full-service parasitology testing for diagnosis of protozoan, helminthic, and ectoparasite infections.

Testing Methods and Expertise

Testing methods and expertise include: 

  • Microscopic and macroscopic examination to identify parasite (arthropod, larvae, worm)
  • Microscopic examination of blood smear for identification of blood parasites
  • Microscopic examination of concentrated sample and trichrome stain for the detection of ova and/or parasites
  • Microscopic examination of modified acid-fast stain for the detection of Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Cystoisospora parasites
  • Microscopic examination of pinworm collection devices or scotch tape preps for pinworm identification


Jaye Boman, Clinical Lab Supervisor

Maternal Screening
Diagnostic Microbiology