Private Well Water


Private Well Water

Order a Water Sampling Kit

NOTE: Recently rumors circulating on social media have suggested anyone can request a well water testing kit from the State Hygienic Laboratory from anywhere in the country and at no cost. This is not correct. The test kit is not free, and its distribution is suggested only to Iowans and residents of surrounding states as there is a 48 hour holding time to ensure the validity of a sample from the time the sample is collected. To request a test kit (which includes sample collection bottles that are sent back to the lab for testing) and receive a cost quote, please fill out the form below.

This kit is used to collect a water sample for coliform bacteria and nitrate testing which provides a general indication of the sanitary quality of your drinking water.

Refer to our FAQ for more information.

Complete the form and a water sampling kit will be sent to you. The kit contains:

Carefully collect your water samples and send them back to the Hygienic Lab. Results are usually mailed within a week of sample collection.

Funding for this testing may be available through your county health department and the Grants-to-Counties program. You may be able to get your well water tested at no cost.